Homemade Vegetable Bouillon Cubes


Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use other vegetables in this recipe?
Yes, you can add vegetables like bell peppers, tomatoes, or zucchini for extra flavor.
Is turmeric necessary?
Turmeric adds a warm flavor and health benefits, but you can omit it or substitute with another spice like cumin.
How long do these bouillon cubes last?
They can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.
Can I add fresh herbs?
Yes, fresh herbs like basil or thyme can be added for more flavor.
Do I need to thaw the cubes before using?
No, you can add the cubes directly to boiling water or your dish.
Can I make the cubes smaller or larger?
Yes, cut the cubes to your preferred size based on how concentrated you want your broth to be.
Can I omit the salt?
The salt acts as a preservative and flavor enhancer, but you can reduce the amount if desired.
What if I don’t have a blender?
You can finely chop the vegetables after cooking, though the texture may be less smooth.
Can I use these cubes in cold dishes?
These cubes are best used in hot dishes where they can dissolve properly.
How many cubes should I use per cup of water?
Typically, use one cube per cup of water, but adjust based on your taste preference.

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