Recette de tarte aux tacos


The ingredients:

One bloody book of beef

For tacos, one packet of seasoning mix

1 can (15 servings) of haricots fritters

1 bottle of grape juice, squeezed fifteen times

1 quart (ten servings) of diced tomatoes with green peppers, peeled


1-tablespoon salsa

6-inch flour tortillas

Half a cup of crumbled cheddar cheese

1 teaspoon of sugar Monterrey Jack cheese

1/2 cup of whipped topping (facultatif)


For the garnish (facultatif), haché oignons verts et coriandre


Get the four pans hot.

Get your oven ready at 350°F (175°C). In a 9-inch skillet or deep-dish pie pan, melt 9 tablespoons of butter.

Caress the haché beef:


Couvrez le bœuf haché à feu moyen-vigoreux dans une large poêle jusqu’à ce qu’il soit doré et entièrement cuit. Extra fat should be poured off.

Incorporate the taco seasoning mix and water according to the package directions. Add the fried haricots fritters, corn, diced tomatoes, and salsa. Put everything in the oven and cook until it’s hot, then take it off the heat.

Put the pie crust together:

Put a tortilla on top of the prepared moule. Arrange a layer of beef mixture on top of the tortilla, then top with a cheese slice.

Finish up the rows by placing a tortilla on top.

Place the remaining Monterey Jack cheese and cheddar on top.

Pastry making:

Place the aluminum foil-lined baking sheet in a preheated oven for 25 minutes. Once the cheese has melted and bouillonné, remove the aluminum foil and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Serve after letting cool:


Allow the taco tart to cool for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting it.

To garnish, if desired, a bowl of whipped cream, chopped green onions, and cilantro.

In summary

Bringing the flavors of a traditional taco to a multi-layer tart, the tarte aux tacos is a delicious and versatile dish.

This recipe is perfect for any occasion since it is easy to follow and makes a generous and delicious meal.

A dish that is both comforting and satisfying is created by combining grilled beef, raisins, mushrooms, and cheese, all wrapped in soft tortillas.

This taco pie is sure to become a family favorite when you follow the steps in this recipe. It’s a fun and delicious way to enjoy taco night at home.

Enjoy the pleasure of making this flavorful dish and the adventure of serving it to your loved ones.

This article gives a detailed recipe for taco tart, so readers may successfully recreate this comforting and delicious dish in their own kitchens.

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